If the bad guys would use their energy and inventiveness in a more productive way, the world economy would be a lot healthier. So this week, there is a popular social engineering attack doing the rounds where people get promised a $50 or EUR50 voucher/gift certificate if they answer a quick 5-question customer satisfaction survey. Major brands are used, in Europe it's Tesco and Woolworth. The attack is launched via Facebook.
Two other scams are also worth mentioning. To start with, an email disguised as a voicemail notification from Microsoft Exchange Server tries to get users to double click a link to listen to the voicemail. The second one is an email that appears to come from the FDIC and tries to get users to follow a link to download “a new security version.”
Could you do me a big favor? Spend one minute! Kevin and I are working on internet security awareness training for families. First we asked people which things they thought were important for Internet Security at the house. In other words, what they thought was needed to protect their family online. Please indicate how important you think the following items are for families to stay safe online. We added one short bonus question. If these topics would be covered in a course that all family members could take, what would be a good name (title) for that course?) Here is the link to the survey and thanks so much in advance!
My Top 3 Security Sites
A customer asked me what my three top security websites are. I had to think for a bit, and then had to conclude that these three were my faves. You might like these too, so here thay are, not necessarily in order of importance, however I have been reading InfoWorld since 1981. My Top 3 fave security sites are:
1) http://www.infoworld.com/d/security
2) http://www.virusbtn.com/vb100/index
3) http://www.csoonline.com/