An affiliate program is a great way to make money on the Internet. Many internet retailers have programs where you can get a commission if you can get people to go to their web site and buy their products. After establishing an account with the retailer, you write an article/s about that product and promote the article so that people read it. In the article you have links to the retailers product that you have written about. When your reader clicks through your article to the retailers product, your account number is included in the link so that the retailer can identify you as the affiliate partner. If your reader buys that product, you get a commission on the sale.
The reason affiliate programs work so well is becuase you're not relying on a computer to match up ads to your content. You do it yourself. You know best what ads would work best on your content and which products and services to recommend. And when your readers see that you've taken the time to review a product or service, they're going to feel more comfortable buying that product.
Most programs have very specific rules about how they pay commissions, however, the most common ways are:
How much can you make on an affiliate program? That depends on the commission structure offered by the retailer, and your ability to get your readers to buy the retailers product/s.