The SMB protocol enables “inter-process communication,” which is the protocol that allows applications and services on networked computers to talk to each other – you might say SMB is one of the languages that computers use to talk to each other.
In early versions of Windows, SMB ran on top of the NetBIOS network architecture. Microsoft changed SMB in Windows 2000 to operate on top of TCP and use a dedicated IP port. Current versions of Windows continue to use that same port.
Microsoft continues to make advancements to SMB for performance and security: SMB2 reduced the overall chattiness of the protocol, while SMB3 included performance enhancements for virtualized environments and support for strong end-to-end encryption.
Just like any language, computer programmers have created different SMB dialects use for different purposes. For example, Common Internet File System (CIFS) is a specific implementation of SMB that enables file sharing. Many people mistake CIFS as a different protocol than SMB, when in fact they use the same basic architecture.
Important SMB implementations include:
SMB has always been a network file sharing protocol. As such, SMB requires network ports on a computer or server to enable communication to other systems. SMB uses either IP port 139 or 445.
Leaving network ports open to enable applications to function is a security risk. So how do we manage to keep our networks secure and maintain application functionality and uptime? Here are some options to secure these two important and well-known ports.
In addition to the network specific protections above, you can implement a data centric security plan to protect your most important resource – the data that lives on your SMB file shares.
Understanding who has access to your sensitive data across your SMB shares is a monumental task. Varonis maps your data and access rights and discovers your sensitive data on your SMB shares. Monitoring your data is essential to detect attacks in progress and protect your data from breaches. Varonis can show you where data is at-risk on your SMB shares and monitor those shares for abnormal access and potential cyberattacks. Get a 1:1 demo to see how Varonis monitors CIFS on NetApp, EMC, Windows, and Samba shares to keep your data safe.